About Our Roses
About Our Roses

All of our roses are container grown on their own roots rather than using the roots of another variety. The six-inch tall containers hold about 1 quart of root mass, which we have found to work very well in getting the plant off to a great start.
We see our own-rooted roses catch up and sometimes surpass the grafted bush the second or third year. Grafted roses must have their bud-union protected in the winter, while we do nothing to protect the own-root roses. We are convinced by experience in our climate that most roses live longer and are hardier on their own roots. There is also much less chance of virus. We are careful to use virus free cutting stock. The other plus, of course, is the problem of suckers and possible transplant rejection, which doesn't exist with roses on their own roots. Our roses are shipped leafed out with a healthy root system. You do not have to plant them right away, but when you do they will start growing right away when planted properly. Planting directions are included in each order.
Own root-roses have the following advantages:
- More winter hardy
- No root suckers
- Healthier plants
- Longer life
- No virus
- More blooms
About us